Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School

Mandatory Public Disclosure
School fees must be deposited directly at the bank. Requisite bank details may please be obtained from the class teachers / school reception



Date : 02-08-2022

Dear parents,

With the rainy season beating a slow retreat, Full day routine from 830 AM to 5 PM ( with inclusion of games period from 4 to 5 PM ) will become effective from 3rd Aug, 2022.(From tomorrow).Parents are requested to pick their children by 5.00pm sharp. Parent Teacher Meeting ( PTM) will be conducted on 4th Aug from 1PM to 3 PM for grades 1 to 5 and 3 PM to 5 PM for grades 6 to 10 in front of their respective classrooms/ in the corridors.Intra- class tri- lingual declamation contest for Nursery to grade 10th will commence from 5th Aug, 2022. Regards. Principal, SPSHS.

Date : 30-07-2022

Dear parents,

In a bid to assist parents in bringing a change in children, if they are being difficult/ making unnecessary demands/ throwing tantrums/ being indifferent at home,the school would like to counsel such children through a student counselor / our Director at School. Please have a word with the child’s class teacher on the quite. Together let us work for the bright future of our children in all facets of life including academics. “The Complete Education for LIFE”. Regards. Principal SPSHS

Date : 28-07-2022

Dear parents,

Playing games, indulging in mischief and petty quarrels and fights with friends/ peers and getting injured sometimes are part of students’ school life . Parents are requested to take any such occurences in the true spirit of schooling and not get involved in a negative manner . Incidents involving wilful harm to person or belongings by any student will be dealt with on disciplinary grounds. We request your whole hearted cooperation in such matters. Regards. Principal SPSHS.

Date : 21-07-2022

Dear parents,

The school timings are from 8:30 AM to 5 PM. (Temporarily 4 PM because of rains). Parents are requested to ensure their children are dropped at the school well in time for the assembly. Children reaching school after 8:25 AM tomorrow onwards will be stopped after entering the school compound and warned duly. Regular late comers will be disciplined with the loss of the first period of classes. Your cooperation is solicited in this matter.
Remember, ” Anything that starts well, ends well.”
Warm regards

Date : 02-07-2022

Dear parents,

A very important message to you all for strict compliance please. School Assembly will be conducted from 8:30 to 8:45 AM daily from July 4th onwards. In case of rains the assembly will be conducted in respective classrooms. You are requested to ensure your child/ children reach the school latest by 8:20 AM/ in time. Regards. Principal, SPSHH

Date : 02-07-2022

Dear parents,

The school will function full day from 4th July 2022 onwards. Children must come to school with packed lunch/ lunch box ,as nobody will be permitted to leave the school during lunch break.The school timings will be from 830 am to 5 pm.Please ensure that your child is in possession of text & note books and his school fee dues are cleared.Due to the onset of monsoons and the playgrounds being wet, the children will be engaged from 4 pm to 5pm with activities like indoor games , Yoga, Lend me your ears ( speaking practice)and also special classes for children who are lagging in basics like reading, writing and speaking.A WhatsApp group is being created for children utilising the bus facility for better coordination. Finally there are sporadic news items about another COVID wave. As a prophylactic measure the school plans to randomly check the temperature of children when they come to school and sanitise all classrooms before their arrival. School will also ensure frequent sanitisation of hands too. For the time being we will not insist on mask. Let us all together work towards our children and the school’s better future. Regards. Principal SPSHS.

Date : 02-07-2022
Children must be in possession of Napkin and cutlery ( Spoons etc) for consuming snacks/ lunch at school.

Dear parents ,

As per the CBSE norms, it is mandatory to have at least 80 percent attendance at school for a child to get promoted to the next grade. You are advised to ensure minimum absence of your child from the school and also inform the school in advance of your child’s absence through a tele call or diary entry signed by you.

It has been observed that some children are waiting for more than an hour to be picked up by their parents after school session ends. Parents must drop (in time) and pick up ( on time) their children as per given school timings.It may be further noted that children will not be sent out of the school without an escort after the school hours even on parent’s request. Request cooperation from all the parents. Happy Schooling. Regards. Principal, SPSHS.